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November 2008 Newsletter

News from ASK Consultants
November 2008

Industry overlooks chemical fire risk

Industrial containers pose a fire risk that is all too often ignored. ASK's Principal Consultant makes the case for the prosecution.

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A witness speaks

ASK's Ivan Vince joins the RRC Training podcast crew to talk about the role of an expert witness in environmental health and safety.

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Dental fillings don't cause health risk in traditional cremations

Opponents of Sikh and Hindu funeral pyres didn't do their homework, says ASK.

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New legislation involves communities in policy making

Join ASK at an ELF event to discuss the new Sustainable Communities act.

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ASK supports climate change research

ASK recently joined a team of environmental researchers studying the effects of climate change near to the Arctic Circle in Canada.

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Police at risk from iced tea

An Exeter police officer investigating a burglary became nauseous when he emptied an old beverage container he had gathered as evidence.

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ASK Consultants has been providing independent expertise on issues of health, safety and environmental risk for over 25 years. Find out more about how we can help your business at

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