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Health & safety and environmental regulatory compliance

ASK will provide your organisation with authoritative, dependable advice to enable it to comply with health, safety and environmental regulations. We undertake hazard and risk assessments for land use planning on behalf of hazardous installations (including top-tier COMAH sites), developers and other parties, and carry out a variety of assessments of process safety, occupational health & safety and environmental risk for industry, covering the relevant regulations, including COMAH, DSEAR, IPPC etc. We have also worked on major projects to establish new hazard control systems within and beyond the EU.
Previous projects have included:

  • Development of a regulatory system to support Hungary in implementing the EU's major hazards directive. [Read more]
  • A safety review of the use of toxic and flammable gases for a manufacturer of integrated circuits.
  • Assessing the impact of aircraft emissions at London Heathrow for a major airline.
  • Development of an environmental information system for the State Environmental Inspectorate of Ukraine. [Read more]

Other ASK services:
Incident investigation
Expert witness
Due diligence audits
Lecturing / training
Contract research

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