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Tate Modern Extension to be completed in 2012

The first stage of the extension of the Tate Modern in London is set to open in 2012 more
Chevron refinery explosion

BBC Wales interviews ASK following a fatal explosion at the Chevron refinery. more
Hazards XXII - Ivan Vince's paper

Ivan Vince has presented a paper on land use planning at the recent Hazards symposium. more

ASK Consultants: Health, Safety and Environmental specialists


ASK Consultants wants you and your business to succeed. A necessary condition of commercial success is the effective management of health, safety and environmental risks.

The ASK team of highly qualified experts advises on health & safety risks and air pollution (with special emphasis on the chemical process industries), assists in major incident and accident investigations, including accidents to the environment, carries out health, safety & environmental regulatory compliance reviews and due diligence audits, as well as energy monitoring & targeting, and provides specialist training and highly experienced expert witnesses in fields relevant to health, safety and environmental risks.

ASK has assisted the Environment Agency and the Ministry of Defence, as well as major oil companies and international clients, on a broad range of issues involving industrial hazards and environmental pollution.

ASK risk assessments and related advice are clear, pragmatic and independent. For expert witness, incident investigation, energy monitoring & targeting and to protect your health, your safety and your environment - just ASK.

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